

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Maalak 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    Ok, now after creating the Wizard’s Crown / The Eternal Dagger topic, here goes the Phantasie one. 🙂

    The first time I saw a game of this brand was in a supermarket which had imported the C64 Phantasie 3 game and showed it under a shop window at an astronomic price. I dunno if ot was because of the high price or the very nice cover of the game, but I deceided that if I could get this game one day, I would get it (hard vow when being anly a child with not much pocket money, but that’s good to have dreams :p). Some months later, I sam the game in another shop, for about half the price asked by the first one, and then I didn’t hesitated one second I bought it.
    It was then the first true RPG I played, even before the Wizard’s Crown one I talked in another topic, and I must say that I consider it as a significant memory. Even nowadays, I don’t see much, if any, games that would consider the part of the body hurt in combats.
    The graphics were not extraordinary, but with my child eyes, they still look quite beautiful, and tha management of the inventory (and moreover, potions) was quite a challenge for me at that time.
    Unfortunately, unlike Wizard’s Crown and The Eternal Dagger, I must confess I never succeeded in winning this game. I thought many times to play again to this game thanks to an emulator, but never get the time to do this. 🙁
    On year or two after getting this game, I also found the Phantasie 2 and in the end the Phantasie 1 games, which I also bought.
    I get quite far in the Phantasie 2 game, to the god castle in the mist world, but got stuck because of the lack of potions in the shops. As for the first opus, which I get in the last place, I let it down after suffering a corruption of my game. 🙁 It is however the only Phantasie game I could beat, years later, by playing it in an emulator about 12 years ago. While I was very excited about playing all the episodes in a row, I also let the game down when I get to the gad’s castle, like I did thirteen other years before.
    So, I can consider that’s a serie that I couldn’t beat in about one quarter of a century. ^^

    So, as I asked in the Wizard’s Crown topic, have some of you also enjoyed playing thes Phantasie games, and for the TSI team, is ther a chance we would also get a sequel to it ? 🙂



    What a great question.

    SSI was responsible for several classics including the Phantasie series. As it happens, we’ve been in touch with the creator of Phantasie and a few ideas have been tossed around for a potential continuation of the series. Although, that’s being weighed along with several other projects we’d like to do down the road. 🙂



    Wow I think my head is going to explode. Another great series of games. I’ve played them first on again my Atari 65xe. I have completed the first one multiple times but never the second.



    Phantasie 1-3 were released by SSI. A Phantasie 4 was created for Japan for MSX, NEC and Sharp computers.



    3 was the only game in the Phantasie-series i played on my old Amiga, but it was so good at the time. Not GoldBox-good of course, but close. 😉



    By the way, was the Phantasie 4 an officiel release (and thus, a true sequel) ?
    I wonder because as far as I know, this game was never translated and thus be concealed to a lone country and considering how cloning was a national sport in some Asian countries 20 years ago …

    Otherwise, speaking of Phantasie 2, why did this game never been ported to PC, thus creating a hole in the serie as I and III were ?



    I have fond memories of this game as well. It was the first RPG I played and I have since played a lot of RPGs. My first experience with this classic was with the C64 version. I rememeber it well. My favorite character was the Minotaur. That character had nice graphics. I also remember going through a dungeon and coming across a Green Dragon. The game was pretty hard. Later, I got the DOS version thanks to a cheap compilation pack and got pretty far although I think the C64 had better graphics although not as high resolution. Also, the sound effects for the C64 version were really memorable but there was no sound on the DOS version. I also remember the C64 version took a long time to load. Recently I had hoped that this series would be revived.


    TSI Support

    Phantasie 4 was made specifically for a publisher in Japan licensed through SSI with Doug Wood’s design. Definitely not a clone:



    Nice interview.

    Ultimately, the most important information I’ve read in it is :

    By the way I am currently working on Phantasie V. I don’t get much time to work on it so its a very slow process. If you want you can check back with me in about a year and I will let you know the status of the project.​

    Already one year and a half have passed since this interview, so it would be nice if we could get by any way some informations about the ongoing development.
    And as for the money needed to make the game, couldn’t tsr be the editor ? Or if not, maybe a kickstarter project could help for it ? I think that’s something that’s really worth be considered. 🙂

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